Application Scenario

Documents Archiving/ Processing
Extract the text in the image data to provide a basis for subsequent data post-processing (such as retrieval, translation, etc.)
Teaching Aids
Transform the content in paper textbooks into editable and quickly disseminated text to realize intelligent and efficient teaching.
Card information extraction
Extract the key information from the card, such as ID card, driving license, driver's license, bank card, business license, etc.

Use Case

Migu Lingxi voice assistant

Integrated with iFLYTEK OCR API, Migu Lingxi voice assistant can recognize and translate text in pictures. As shown in the picture, Migu Lingxi correctly recognized the printed font content in the picture, which is "Let the World Enjoy the Fun of AI".


1.How many languages are currently supported for OCR?


Supported language:Chinese, English and Mixed Chinese and English.

2. Could text with rotated directions be recognized ?

 Deflection of the text and the horizontal axis less than ±15° are supported.

3. What's the requirements for pictures to be recognised?

a. Pixel requirements: at least 15px on the shortest side and 4096px on the longest side

b. Size requirement: <4MB

c. Format requirements: JPEG, PNG, BMP

4. How many concurrent requests I can use for free trial?

You can send a maximum of five concurrent requests for Online Text to Speech.


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